PhD fellowship in Biostatistics at the Department of Public Health


University of Copenhagen


June 1, 2023

We are offering a PhD fellowship in biostatistics commencing August 1st 2023 or as soon as possible hereafter.

Project description

The PhD project aims at developing statistical methodology for functional data analysis combined with causal inference in applications of Biostatistics and Epidemiology. The project will focus on bringing together methods from functional data analysis using data from e.g., continuous glucose monitoring devices and modern wearable data sources and state of the art causal estimands in complex settings, e.g. comparative effectiveness where there are multiple approved treatments and the selection between the available treatments is the intervention for testing, or in observational settings with multiple treatment decision rules that could be individually optimized.

Principal supervisor is Associate Professor Andreas Kryger Jensen PhD, Section of Biostatistics, Department of Public Health, Principal co-supervisor is Associate Professor Erin E. Gabriel PhD, Section of Biostatistics, Department of Public Health,

Job description

Your key tasks as a PhD student at SUND are:

  • Carrying through an independent research project under supervision.

  • Completing PhD courses or other equivalent education corresponding to approximately 30 ECTS points.

  • Participating in active research environments including a stay at another research team.

  • Obtaining experience with teaching or other types of dissemination related to your PhD project

  • Teaching and disseminating your knowledge.

  • Writing a PhD thesis on the grounds of your project

Key criteria for the assessment of applicants

The successful applicant for the Ph.D. scholarship will be a statistician with a strong background in mathematics and statistics i.e., a candidate degree equivalent to a Danish master’s degree (two years) in for example mathematics, statistics, or engineering sciences. Accordingly, we require documented skills within theoretical and applied statistics as well as high-level programming in R. Also, the applicant should have the ability to communicate research findings in teaching, conference talks and by writing scientific papers for international journals. It is a prerequisite for the PhD fellowship that the candidate can be and is not already enrolled as a PhD student at the faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen.

Other important criteria are:

  • The grade point average achieved
  • Professional qualifications relevant to the PhD project
  • Previous publications
  • Relevant work experience
  • Other professional activities
  • A curious mind-set with a strong interest in functional data and causal inference
  • Language skills

Please see the full advertisement and link to apply here: